Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Day in the Life

Well, since Nick and I basically spent our entire day coming up with our Day in the Life, I think that it's only appropriate that it's my post for tonight. I'm not sure exactly how the Willy Wonka theme came up, but it really works for what we are doing in Summer Institute. It seems like in order to be good writing teachers, we have to take on that role of Willy Wonka--the guy who forces you to think in new ways and to look  at things from a different perspective--the guy who pushes you to show who you really are and what you are capable of. I don't know...maybe that's too cheesy, but it's what I was thinking about for today. ***Also, please know that most of the creative genius points go to Nick!

The Link to A Day in the Life:

The Gist of A Day in the Life:

Our version of the song:

Come with me
and you'll be
in a world of
teacher edification.
Draw your pic
and Miss Jenny will
use fuhnetik pron unz e ashun

We'll begin

human statuin'
Traveling in
tableau improvisation.
Has technology
brought us more

If you want to receive good advice

Simply look around and hashtag it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanna change the world?
Tweet the NWP

There is no

breakfast I know
to compare with
Summer Institute-ation.
muffins for free:
choc-o-late or blue-ber-ry?"

If you want to browse JSTOR sites

Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to inquire, do it
Wanna enter conversations?
Just Skype Lil,
she can do it

Blogging goes

oh so slow
when you're using
49er wireless.
Squeaky chairs
bother me.
A day in the life
of NWP.

And the AWESOME memes won't load now, but I'll get them up here as soon as I can :)


  1. Kendra, saw your work last night...awesome! So creative. I also love your blib in your blog about why Willy Wonka. It's so true. AWESOME!!

  2. Absolutely love it :) (As I mentioned in my tweet!)

  3. Kendra, this is genius. You have quite a creative bug biting you!
